PNRR Observer  I/2022
PNRR Observer  I/2022

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PNRR Observer I/2022

Student Housing: MUR publishes the ministerial decrees on minimum standards and public grants

The role of collaboration and public-private partnership


On 19 January 2022, the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), further to registration by the Court of Auditor (Corte dei Conti)s, published on its institutional website Ministerial Decrees no. 1256 of 30 November 2021 (the "DM 1256/2021") and no. 1257 of 30 November 2021 (the "DM 1257/2021"). The Decrees are aimed respectively at


(a) updating the rules on minimum size and quality standards as well as the guidelines on technical and economic criteria for the construction of accommodation and housing facilities for university students; and

(b) establishing the procedures and methods for accessing the public grants, amounting to approximately €467 million, intended to co-finance the construction of accommodation and housing facilities for university students


The Ministerial Decrees under review are confirming the scope for public-private partnerships.


Ministerial Decree 1257/2021 specifies that the projects may also be entrusted, in compliance with the provisions of law applicable to public works, to private entities under concession schemes, or to public joint stock companies or public-private companies with a majority of private capital.


The Decrees are implementing the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP) approved by ECOFIN Council Decision 10160/21 of 8 July 2021, which for the "Reform of student housing legislation and investment in student housing (M4C1-R 1.7-27-30)", provides EUR 300 million for the goal of creating and allocating at least 7,500 additional beds by 31 December 2022.