The Lawyer European Awards
European Law Firm of the Year
Law Firm of the Year - Italy
IFLR European Awards
Italy Law Firm of the Year
Deal of the Year M&A
Europe M&A Mergermarket Awards
Italy Legal Advisor of the Year
The Lawyer European Awards
Italy Law Firm of the Year
IFLR European Awards
Italy Law Firm of the Year
Chambers Europe Awards
Italy Law Firm of the Year
GlobalCapital European Securitization Awards
NPL Law Firm of the Year
Best Lawyer
Law firm of the Year: Banking and Finance
IFLR European Awards
Italy Law Firm of the Year
Chambers Europe Awards
Italy Law Firm of the Year
PFI Awards
Europe Portfolio Deal of the Year: Tages Capital
Partnership Awards
Project: Refinancing Tram of Florence
Mergermarket European M&A Awards
Italy M&A Legal Advisor of the Year
International Legal Alliance Summit
Best European Law Firm: White Collar Crimes
Best European Law Firm: Litigation & Competition
IFLR European Awards
Italy Law Firm of the Year
Italy Debt and Equity-Linked Capital Markets Firm of the Year
GlobalCapital European Securization Awards
NPL Law Firm of the Year
Legalcommunity Awards
Corporate: Italy Law Firm of the Year M&A
Finance: Law Firm of the Year
Tax: Italy Law Firm of the Year: EU taxation
IP & TMT: Italy Law Firm of the Year: TMT
Litigation: Italy Law Firm of the Year: Corporate Litigation
Real Estate: Law Firm of the Year Transactional Investments
MF Italian Legal Awards
Italy Law Firm of the Year Real Estate Financing
Private Capital Tax & Legal Focus Awards
Italian Law Firm of the Year: Private Capital Tax
Legalcommunity Awards
Finance: Law Firm of the Year
Corporate: Italy Advisory Law Firm of the Year
IP&TMT: Italy Law Firm of the Year: Telecommunication
Tax: Italy M&A and extraordinary transactions Law Firm of The Year Finance: Deal of the Year: Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda
Legalcommunity Awards
Finance: Law Firm of the Year
Corporate: Advocacy Law Firm of the Year
Corporate: Financial Institutions Law Firm of the Year Finance: Structured Finance Law Firm of the Year
Tax: EU Taxation Law Firm of the Year
Tax: Wealth Management Law Firm of the Year
Energy: Italian Law Firm of the Year: Corporate M&A
MF Italian Legal Awards
Italy Law Firm of the Year Practice Commercial Law
Private Capital Tax & Legal Focus Awards
Italy Law Firm of the Year Practice Commercial Law
«The firm impressed judges who described it as "impressive, top tier and visionary", commending it both for all-round growth as well as successful implementation of a coherent AI strategy».
«Chiomenti’s team has a great ability to cover any legal matter arising in connection with the transaction, ensuring that complex matters are solved in the best interest of the client».
«Chiomenti offers a very high level of service and responsiveness. They are always on top of every issue».
«Chiomenti is capable of providing cross-cutting assistance, with a wide panel of lawyers with different classes of seniority».
«Chiomenti has good international connections and is able to handle such matters through correspondent firms».
«Chiomenti law firm excels with its cross-disciplinary expertise, communicative competence, high reliability and assertiveness. The cooperation is also convincing due to the high level of professionalism and commitment, which applies to all areas of the law firm. In addition, the firm is extremely well organised and has the ability to react to unpredictable dynamics».
«Chiomenti merges the highest specialized professional expertise with a multidisciplinary approach that is essential for the solution of complex issues. A further strength is the exceptional understanding of the needs of structured clients, availability, timeliness as well as the ability to resolve any issue also by developing innovative solutions».
«Chiomenti’s team has a great ability to cover any legal matter arising in connection with the transaction, ensuring that complex matters are solved in the best interest of the client».
«They are a phenomenal firm, and they are delightful people – they are great lawyers and really serious. They are wonderful people to be with on a matter».
«Chiomenti provides the best-in-class service also in terms of negotiation support and strategy, not only from a legal prospective».
«Chiomenti has a very deep bench across most departments and a proven ability to work across teams on complicated assignments».
«The excellent and recognized reputation of the firm’s professionals is an important element that contributes to giving authority to the firm’s opinions».
«A high-quality team that assists even after closure of the deal, with above-average problem-solving skills».
«Chiomenti's senior legal advisers provide helpful support and come up with key solutions to overcome any issues that can arise during the negotiation of complex transactions».
«Chiomenti are very capable of handling complex legal matters. They do not miss any key details».
«Chiomenti is an excellent firm with incredibly wide capabilities, which can provide multidisciplinary assistance through its diversified team of partners and associates».
«Chiomenti excels with its cross-disciplinary expertise, communicative competence and high reliability».