Newsletter Energia - 14/2012 EN
Renewables News: the Fifth Conto Energia and the Decree on incentives for non-PV renewables
1. Fifth Conto Energia: incentives relating to electricity produced from a photovoltaic source
2. The Decree relating to electricity produced from renewable sources other than photovoltaic
On 5 and 6 July 2012, the Ministry of Economic Development together with the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture passed the two ministerial decrees on renewable energies. These have been published in the Italian Official Gazette on 10 July 2012 and came into force on the day following publication. The two measures outline the new photovoltaic incentives (the Fifth Conto Energia) and the new incentives for non-photovoltaic renewable energies (i.e. wind, hydroelectric, ocean, geothermal, biomass, biogas and bio liquids).
1. Fifth Conto Energia: incentives relating to electricity produced from a photovoltaic source
The Fifth Conto Energia decree regulates incentives applicable to the production of electricity from photovoltaic sources.
The decree, whose express intent is to streamline the development of renewable energies, reduces the amount of state resources allocated to the production of photovoltaic energy by setting the maximum threshold of incentives applicable to new contributions in the field at Euro 700 million per year.
The new measures, in light of what has already been established by previous legislation, will enter into force once the cumulative annual cost of incentives reaches Euro 6 billion.
In particular, (i) the Electricity and Gas Authority is in charge of identifying, according to data notified to it by the Gestore dei Servizi Energetici S.p.A. (the Energy Services Agency, GSE), the date on which the Euro 6 billion threshold is met, passing its own resolution in this regard within three days of such notification by the GSE, and publishing such resolution on the Authority’s website; and (ii) the incentives provided for in the Fifth Conto Energia will become applicable after 45 days from the date of publication of such resolution by the Authority.
The Fourth Conto Energia will continue to apply in relation to: (i) small plants and other plants indicated in Chapters III and IV of the Fourth Conto Energia which have come into operation before the new regime comes into force, (ii) large plants which rank high enough in the register to receive incentives and that issue the relevant completion of works certificate by the required deadline and (iii) plants established on public buildings and on public administration areas that come into operation by 31 December 2012, save for the special regime provided for under article 4, paragraph 7 of the decree with reference to initiatives in an advanced state of construction (better detailed below).
In any case, the Fifth Conto Energia will no longer be applicable following 30 calendar days from the date on which an indicative yearly cumulative cost of Euro 6.7 billion is reached.
Incentive eligibility
The following plants are eligible for the incentives without being subject to the relevant registration procedures:
a)photovoltaic plants with a power output of up to 50 kW realised on buildings with modules installed in place of roofs in which the complete removal of eternit (cement reinforced with asbestos fibres) or asbestos takes place;
b)photovoltaic plants with a power output not exceeding 12 kW, including plants made following a renovation, as well as power output enhancements of no more than 12 kW;
c)integrated photovoltaic plants that have innovative features up to an indicative cumulative incentive cost cap of Euro 50 million;
d)concentration photovoltaic plants up to an indicative cumulative incentive cost cap of Euro 50 million;
e)photovoltaic plants realised by public administrations though public procedures up to an indicative cumulative incentive cost cap of Euro 50 million;
f)photovoltaic plants with a power output exceeding 12 kW but not exceeding 20 kW, including plants made following a renovation, as well as power output enhancement for the plant of no more than 20 kW, that attract an incentive tariff reduced by 20% compared to the tariff applicable to similar plants listed on the register.
Photovoltaic plants which do not fall in any of the above categories are eligible to receive incentives pursuant to the Fifth Conto Energia where they are registered in the relevant register in a position such as to fall below the maximum indicative cumulative annual incentive cost thresholds indicated below:
a) first register: 140 ML / euro;
b) second register: 120 ML / euro;
c) other registers: 80 ML / euro per register, and in any case up to the indicative annual incentive cost cap of Euro 6.7 billion.
In order to take advantage of the incentives, photovoltaic plants which do not fall within the exempt categories described above must register in the register kept by the GSE. The registration procedures will be established by the GSE within thirty days of the entry into force of the decree.
The notice relating to quotas of available power for the first semester will be published by the GSE within 20 days from the date of publication of the above-mentioned applicable GSE rules and will provide for applications for registration to be made in the 30 days following the publication date of the notice. In relation to the following registers, the relevant notices will be published by the GSE every six months from the date the first incentive period closed and will provide for the submission of the relevant registration applications within the following sixty days.
The application for registration shall be filed with the GSE by the person who obtained the authorisation for the construction and operation of the plant by way of a declaration which form will be made available by the GSE. In the 20 days after applications to the register closed, the GSE will determine the ranking among the applicants applying certain priority criteria described under the decree and will publish such rankings on its website.
The plants which will be granted the incentives shall be those which rank within the register in such a position as to fall within the incentivization parameters indicated above, provided that they start operating within one year from the date of publication of the rankings by the GSE. A plant that is registered but ranks in a position that does not fall within the relevant cost limits must re-apply to the GSE in order to be granted incentives in the following semester.
In relation to the first register only, in order to preserve initiatives in an advanced stage of construction, the decree (article 4, paragraph 7) establishes that (i) in establishing the relevant ranking position, the first criteria that is applied, in hierarchical order, is the date the plant commences its operations and (ii) in relation to plants that are registered in the first register under paragraph (i) only, the requirements of the Fourth Conto Energia apply, subject in any case to compliance with Article 65 of Law Decree 24 January 2012, n. 1 (converted into law by the Law of 24 March 2012, n. 27).
Plants that have become operative before the date of entry into force of the decree, can also access the first register.
Rankings which have been determined after subscription in the relevant register are not subject to possible downgrade, except that, in relation to the first register, the GSE will go through the ranking list and will eliminate registered plants that fall within the scope of the Fourth Conto Energia.
The registration shall be assignable to third parties only after the plant becomes operative.
Plants eligible to be granted the incentives
In addition to the above, photovoltaic plants which fall in one of the following categories can benefit from the incentives pursuant to Annex 5 to the Fifth Conto Energia: (i) photovoltaic plants installed on a building which hold a valid energy performance certificate, (ii) plants installed on buildings with roofs made in eternit or containing asbestos, where the replacement of the eternit or the asbestos occurs through the use of photovoltaic plants, (iii) plants installed on: arbors, glasshouses, farm buildings, noise barriers, roofs and sheds, (iv) plants located in depleted landfills, in an area belonging to landfills or on contaminated sites, (v) unused quarries, mines, non-agricultural areas managed by the integrated water service (gestore del servizio idrico integrato) and plants on properties held by the military.
Within 15 days from the date of entering into operation of the plant, the responsible party shall file with the GSE the relevant request for the tariff by way of a declaration which form will be made available by the GSE. Should the responsible party not comply with such 15 days term the tariff will not be granted during the period from the date of entering into operation of the plant and the date on which the application is delivered to the GSE.
The incentive
Plants satisfying the incentive requirements will be entitled:
a)for plants with a nominal power output of up to 1MW: to a comprehensive incentive rate, calculated according to the net production fed into the grid, which is calculated according to the power output and the type of plant, as set out in Annex 5, 6 and 7, respectively, to the Fifth Conto Energia in relation to respectively, photovoltaic plants, integrated plants which hold innovative features and concentration plants;
b)plants with a nominal power output of more than 1 MW: to an incentive rate equal to the difference, where positive, between the comprehensive incentive rate set out in Annex 5, 6 and 7 to the Fifth Conto Energia and the hourly area rate (which is not to exceed the incentive rates). The energy produced remains available to the producer.
A premium rate, as set out in Annex 5, 6 and 7, is applied to the net production quota consumed on site.
Premiums are established, decreasing in each year, for (i) plants the majority of whose components are exclusively made in countries which are EU/EEA members, and (ii) plants installed on buildings with modules installed in replacement of roofs in which the complete removal of eternit or asbestos takes place.
The applicable incentive rate will be that applicable on the date the plant starts operating (i.e. the date on which the plant first starts operation in parallel with the electric system). The relevant incentive rate will be valid for a period of twenty years from the date the plant starts operating.
The decree distinguishes between two different incentive rates: (i) (comprehensive/premium for self-consumption) payable in respect of "photovoltaic plants installed on buildings", which is higher, and (ii) the incentive rate payable in respect of "other photovoltaic systems", which is lower. Subject to certain conditions, plants which are structurally part of arbors, glasshouses, noise barriers, roofs and sheds and those which are installed on farm buildings will be entitled to an incentive rate equal to the arithmetic mean of the tariff applicable to photovoltaic systems installed on buildings and that applicable to other photovoltaic systems.
It should be noted that the decree no longer admits the accumulation of incentives with (a) on-site exchange (scambio sul posto) and (b) the withdrawal of electricity produced in accordance with the terms and conditions set by the Electricity and Gas Authority pursuant to article 13, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree 387/2003, or the sale of the electricity to the market for plant of a capacity less than 1 MW.
2. The Decree relating to electricity produced from renewable sources other than photovoltaic
With the aim of supporting electricity production from renewable sources, the Ministerial Decree of 6 July 2012 defines new incentives applicable to the production of electricity from plants which use renewable sources other than photovoltaic, such as wind, water, geothermal, biomass, biogas and bioliquids.
The decree establishes incentives applicable to the production of electricity from plants powered by the above-mentioned renewable energy sources which: are new, fully rebuilt, re-activated, have been subject to an enhancement in power or have been refurbished, have a power output of at least 1 kW and that start operating (i.e. are connected in parallel to the electric system) after 31 December 2012.
The indicative cumulative annual cost of all types of incentives for plants sourced by renewable energy sources, excluding photovoltaic plants, cannot exceed Euro 5.8 billion.
Power thresholds, registration process and auction process
Accedono ai meccanismi di incentivazione, senza essere soggetti alle procedure di iscrizione a registro/aste al ribasso, tra gli altri, le seguenti tipologie di impianti:
a)impianti eolici e alimentati da fonte oceanica di potenza fino a 60 kW;
b)impianti idroelettrici di potenza nominale di concessione fino a 50 kW, la cui soglia è elevata a 250 kW, qualora tali impianti rientrino in una delle casistiche identificate nel decreto (a titolo esemplificativo, (i) siano realizzati su canali o condotte esistenti, senza incremento di portata derivata, o (ii) impianti che utilizzano acque di restituzioni o di scarico);
c)impianti a biomassa (che utilizzano prodotti di origine biologica) di potenza fino a 200 kW, e impianti a biogas di potenza fino a 100 kW.
Qualora non rientrino nelle suddette tipologie, gli impianti nuovi, integralmente ricostruiti, riattivati e ibridi potranno accedere ai meccanismi di incentivazione a seguito di:
a)ammissione al registro tenuto dal GSE, relativo a ciascuna fonte e tipologia di appartenenza, qualora la potenza sia inferiore alla pertinente potenza di soglia,
b)procedure competitive di aste al ribasso, qualora la potenza di tali impianti sia superiore alla pertinente potenza di soglia,
in entrambi i casi nel limite dello specifico contingente di potenza fissato dal decreto ai fini dell’ammissione al registro o posto all’asta.
Per gli impianti oggetto di intervento di ripotenziamento, il superamento del valore di potenza di soglia ai fini dell’accesso ai meccanismi di incentivazione mediante asta viene calcolato sulla base del differenziale tra la potenza antecedente all’intervento e quella risultante dall’intervento. Gli impianti relativi ad interventi di rifacimento parziale e totale sono ammessi all’incentivo secondo specifiche modalità definite all’articolo 17 del decreto.
I valori di potenza di soglia sono i seguenti: (a) 10 MW, per le fonti idroelettriche; (b) 20 MW, per le fonti geotermoelettriche; (c) 5 MW, per tutte le altre fonti rinnovabili.
Entro quarantacinque giorni dalla data di entrata in vigore del decreto (i.e. 11 luglio 2012), il GSE adotterà e pubblicherà apposite procedure applicative del decreto, incluso il regolamento operativo per le procedure d’asta e per le procedure di iscrizione a registro.
Procedura di iscrizione al registro - Requisiti
The following plants are eligible to obtain the incentives without being subject to the relevant registration procedures:
a)wind plants and ocean powered plants with power output of up to 60 kW;
b)hydroelectric plants with a granted nominal power output of up to 50 kW: the threshold is raised to 250 kW where such plants fall in one of the cases identified in the decree (for example, built on existing channels or pipes, without an increase in the derived flow);
c)biomass plants (which use biological products) with a power output of up to 200 kW and biogas power plants with a power output of up to 100 kW.
Plants not falling in the above-mentioned categories which are: new, fully rebuilt, reactivated and hybrid will be eligible to benefit from the incentives as a result of:
a)where the power output is below the relevant power threshold, admission to the register kept by the GSE, relevant to each source and type;
b)where the power output of such plants exceeds the relevant power threshold, competitive procedures for lowest price bid auctions,
in both cases limited to the specific power quota established by the decree for being admitted to the register or to the auction, respectively.
In relation to plants subject to repowering work, any excess over the power threshold for the purposes of obtaining incentives through the auction mechanisms is calculated on the difference between the levels of power output before the repowering work and the levels after such work.
Plants subject to partial and total refurbishing are eligible for incentives under the specific terms defined in Article 17 of the Decree.
The power thresholds are the following: (i) 10 MW of granted nominal power, in relation to hydroelectric sources; (ii) 20 MW of granted nominal power, in relation to geothermal sources; (iii) 5 MW of granted nominal power, in relation to all other renewable sources.
Within 45 days from the date of entry into force of the decree the GSE will adopt and publish specific procedures in order to apply the decree, including the operating rules in relation to the auction procedures and the procedures for registration in the register.
Registration Procedures
Qualora l’impianto sia soggetto a procedura d’asta, fermo restando anche in questo caso la definizione del regolamento operativo da parte del GSE, il decreto prevede che il GSE indirà con periodicità annuale (ovvero semestrale per gli impianti eolici onshore qualora la potenza assegnata risulti maggiore del 20% della potenza messa a bando), procedure pubbliche d’asta al ribasso, in forma telematica, per la definizione dei livelli di incentivazione della produzione di energia elettrica da impianti alimentati da fonti rinnovabili, nei limiti dei seguenti contingenti annui di nuova capacità produttiva individuati nel decreto.
Come per la procedura di iscrizione a registro, il decreto disciplina le tempistiche di pubblicazione dei bandi e le modalità di ammissione alla graduatoria. In particolare, il GSE pubblicherà il bando relativo alla procedura d’asta trenta giorni prima dell’inizio del periodo per la presentazione delle domande di partecipazione alla medesima procedura d’asta, fissato in sessanta giorni: (i) il bando relativo alla prima procedura d’asta, riferita al contingente di potenza disponibile per l’anno 2013, sarà pubblicato entro 15 giorni dalla pubblicazione del regolamento operativo del GSE; (ii) per i periodi successivi, i bandi saranno pubblicati entro il 31 marzo di ogni anno a decorrere dal 2013.
Possono partecipare alla procedura d’asta i soggetti titolari di autorizzazione oppure, per gli impianti idroelettrici, geotermoelettrici ed eolici off-shore, di titolo concessorio, nonché del preventivo di connessione redatto dal gestore di rete ed accettato in via definitiva dal proponente. In aggiunta, tra i requisiti per la partecipazione alle procedure d’asta, il decreto prevede che i partecipanti siano dotati di “solidità finanziaria ed economica adeguata alle iniziative per le quali chiedono l’accesso ai meccanismi di incentivazione” che dovrà essere dimostrata mediante o apposita dichiarazione di istituto bancario o intermediario autorizzato o l’impegno degli stessi a finanziare l’investimento o, ancora, mediante capitalizzazione pari ad almeno il 10% dell’investimento previsto per la realizzazione dell’impianto. Inoltre, a garanzia della qualità del progetto, i partecipanti sono tenuti a presentare una cauzione provvisoria in fase di iscrizione alle procedure d’asta e una definitiva in seguito alla comunicazione di esito positivo delle procedure d’asta. Tale cauzione definitiva sarà svincolata alla data di entrata in esercizio dell’impianto.
La graduatoria sarà formata in base al criterio della maggiore riduzione percentuale offerta; a parità di riduzione offerta, si applicano ulteriori criteri di priorità definiti nel decreto.
Per il periodo 2013-2015 sono fissati i seguenti contingenti: (i) eolico on shore: 500 MW per ciascun anno, eolico off-shore: 650 per il solo 2013; (ii) idroelettrico: 50 MW per il solo 2013; (iii) geotermoelettrico, 40 MW per il solo 2013; (iv) biomasse (art. 8, co. 4, a) e b)), biogas, gas di depurazione, gas di discarica e bioliquidi sostenibili: 120 MW, per il 2013; (v) biomasse (art. 8, co. 4, c)): 350 MW per il solo 2013.
Gli impianti inclusi nelle graduatorie dovranno entrare in esercizio entro determinati termini decorrenti dalla data di pubblicazione sul sito GSE della graduatoria della procedura d’asta (eolico on-shore e bioliquidi sostenibili, 28 mesi ed eolico offshore, idroelettrico, gotermoelettrico, biomasse e biogas, 40 mesi).
Il mancato rispetto dei termini comporta una decurtazione della tariffa di riferimento dello 0,5% per ogni mese di ritardo rispetto ai detti termini nel limite massimo di 24 mesi di ritardo. Decorso il termine massimo, il soggetto responsabile decade dal diritto all’accesso ai benefici di cui al decreto e il GSE provvede ad escutere la cauzione e ad escludere l’impianto dalla graduatoria.
Auction Process
Where the auction process applies to the plant, the decree provides that the GSE will annually (or half-yearly in the case of on-shore wind plants with an assigned power output 20% greater than the power rate offered), announce the public procedures for the bid auction, in electronic form, in order to define the levels of incentives for the production of electricity from plants powered by renewable sources, within the following annual quotas of new production capacity set out in the decree.
As for the registration process, the decree regulates the timing of publication of notices and the admission procedures. In particular, the GSE will publish the notice indicating the start of the auction process thirty days before the beginning of the sixty day period for submission of applications for participation to the auction: (i) the notice of the first auction, relating to the available quota for the year 2013 will be published within 15 days of publication of the GSE operating rules; (ii) for the following periods, the offers will be published by 31 March in each year starting from 2013.
In relation to one of the requirements to participate to the auction process, the decree requires, in addition to the authorisation for the plant and the connection estimate, as accepted by the applicant, as one of the pre-requisites for participation in the auction, that participants are "sufficiently financially and economically solid to undertake the activities for which they are requesting incentives". This has to be demonstrated in one of the following ways: (i) by providing a declaration of a bank or financial intermediary, (ii) by such bank or financial intermediary undertaking to finance the investment, or (iii) the applicant having a capitalization of at least 10% of the investment anticipated for the realisation of the plant. Furthermore, in order to guarantee the quality of the project, applicants are required to deposit a provisional guarantee with respect to the auction registration phase and a final guarantee following the communication of the successful result of the auction procedure. The final guarantee shall be released on the date of entry into operation of the plant.
The plants will rank according to the greatest percentage reduction offered in the auction; where the same reduction is offered additional priority distinguishing criteria set out in the decree shall apply.
For the period 2013-2015 the following quotas have been set: (i) on-shore wind plants: 500 MW for each year; (ii) off-shore wind plants: 650 MW for 2013 only, (iii) hydroelectric plants: 50 MW for 2013 only, (iv) geothermal plants: 40 MW for 2013 only, (v) biomass (article 8, paragraph 4 a and b), biogas, sewage gas, landfill gas and sustainable bioliquids: 120 MW for 2013 only, (vi) biomass ( article 8, paragraph 4, c): 350 MW for 2013 only.
The plants included in the rankings must be in operation within specified time limits from the date of publication on the GSE website of the rankings relating to the auction process (on-shore wind plants and sustainable bioliquids plants, 28 months; off-shore wind plants, hydroelectric plants, geothermal plants, biomass and biogas, 40 months). Failure to meet the above-mentioned deadlines results in a reduction of 0.5% of the incentives for each month of delay with respect to the reference incentive rate. The maximum delay allowed is 24 months, after which the applicant loses its right to the incentives and the GSE will enforce the guarantee and exclude the plant from the ranking list.
Incentive Rate
In relation to the incentive mechanisms, the decree provides:
- for power plants with power output of up to 1 MW, the GSE, where required, shall withdraw the electricity fed into the grid, applying on the electricity net production fed into the grid a comprehensive incentive rate (i.e. including the incentive and the hourly area price applicable to the energy so exploited) determined according to the source, type of intervention and power output of the plant on the basis of Annex 1 to the decree. In relation to these plants, the responsible entity may choose, only once in the lifetime of the plant, to opt for the incentive mechanism set out in the next paragraph;
- for power plants of nominal power output above to 1 MW, the GSE shall, in relation to net electricity production fed into the grid, disburse the incentive due to the plant, while the energy produced by such plants remains available to the producer.
The right to the above mentioned incentives is an alternative to GSE withdrawing energy (both dedicated withdrawal (ritiro dedicato) and on-site exchange (scambio sul posto)).
For new plants coming into operation in 2013, the "base value" of applicable incentive rates is set out in Annex 1 to the decree in relation to each source, plant type and power class. For similar plants which come into operation in the following years, the base value of the incentive rates shall be reduced by 2% per year.
In plant installations subject to full reconstruction, reactivation, refurbishment or repowering, and in relation to hybrid plants, the level of payable incentives will be determined by applying the terms and conditions set out in Annex 2 of the decree to the incentive rates for new plants specified in Annex 1.
In all cases, the reference incentive rate is the one applicable on the date the plant starts its operations. The GSE will make the relevant payments from the date the plant starts its commercial operations for a period equal to the usual average useful life of a plant as defined in Annex 1 of the decree.
The decree provides specific premiums for plants powered by biomass from organic sources, biomass plants, biogas and sustainable bioliquids operating together in a highly efficient way, as well as for advanced applications and technologies and advanced geothermal plants.
Entities that apply for the incentives specified in the decree have to pay to the GSE an administration fee, determined according to the power output of the plant.
Green Certificates and Transitional Period
In implementing Legislative Decree 28/2011, the decree specifies rules applicable to the transitional period to the new incentivisation system and, in particular, regarding: (i) the conversion of green certificate rights into incentives for plants that come into operation by 31 December 2012 and, within the limits and according to the conditions specified in
Article 30 of the decree, for plants that enter into operation by 30 April 2013, for the remaining entitlement period after 2015, and (ii) the issuance and redemption of green certificates relating to production in the period 2012-2015.
With respect to paragraph (i) above the conversion of green certificate rights into incentives for the years subsequent to 2015 is based on the formula specified in the decree, additional to the earnings derived from the exploitation of energy.
In relation to the issuance of green certificates, the decree refers to a special procedure to be defined within 60 days after entry into force of the decree and which will define the method by which, at the request of the producer, the GSE may issue, quarterly, green certificates relating to the previous quarter beginning with the figures provided on a monthly basis to the GSE by network operators.
In relation to the redemption of green certificates, the decree provides that the GSE will, at the request of the holder, redeem green certificates relating to production between 2011 and 2015, also in this case, as specified by a special procedure to be adopted and published by GSE. The relevant price for the redemption of green certificates shall be equal to 78% of the price referred to in Article 2, paragraph 148 of Law n. 244 of 2007 (i.e. a different factor for each energy source).
The decree identifies the time schedule applicable to the redemption by the GSE of any unsold green certificates as follows:
a) green certificates relating to 2011 production: (i) the redemption will be completed by the end of 2012; (ii) the payment shall be made in two instalments: (a) 50% within thirty days of publication of the decree, (b) 50% by the end of December 2012;
b) green certificates relating 2012 production: (i) green certificates relating to production in the first half of 2012: the redemption will take place by 31 March 2013; (ii) green certificates relating to production in the second half of 2012: the redemption will take place by 30 September 2013;
c) in relation to green certificates relating to production in the period 2013-2015, the redemption will take place on a quarterly basis, as scheduled in the decree, from 31 December 2013 in relation to green certificates relating to production in the first quarter of 2013, up to 30 June 2016 in relation to green certificates relating to production in the fourth quarter of 2015.
In each of the years 2013 to 2016, the GSE will offer to entities subject to the minimum quota (as established by the Bersani Decree) green certificates redeemed pursuant to the preceding paragraphs, at a price equal to the redemption price.
In order to protect investments still being completed, and to ensure a smooth and progressive transition from the old system to the new, the decree (article 30) provides that, for plants that become operative by 30 April 2013 (or, for plants powered by waste only, by 30 June 2013), it is possible to opt for an incentivisation system different from the one established pursuant to the decree provided that (i) the terms and conditions of access to the incentives are those established by the Ministerial Decree of 18 December 2008; (ii) for plants that come into operation within the period referred to in paragraph 1, the comprehensive incentive rates and multipliers applicable to green certificates identified in tables 1 and 2 attached to Law n. 244 of 2007 as in force at the date of entry into force of the decree are applied, reduced by 3% per month starting from January 2013 (or May 2013 in relation to plants powered by waste) and (iii) for plants eligible for green certificates, in any case, the new provisions of the decree will apply.
Such plants shall have obtained the authorisation before the date of entering into force of the decree (i.e. 11 July 2012). The producer shall communicate to the GSE date of entering into operation of the plant within a month following the date of entering into operation; and b) apply for the IAFR qualification within six months from the date of entering into operation of the plant.