Newsalert | Healthcare & Life Sciences, Data Protection & Cybersecurity
Newsalert | Healthcare & Life Sciences, Data Protection & Cybersecurity

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Newsalert | Healthcare & Life Sciences, Data Protection & Cybersecurity

AI and cybersecurity in the healthcare sector: while the use of AI tools is growing on a global scale, The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has raised the awareness about the emerging cybersecurity threats related to the implementation of AI, especially in healthcare.  In this context, ENISA has recently published the paper “Cybersecurity and privacy in AI – Medical Imaging diagnosis”, that identifies the main cybersecurity and privacy threats arising from the use of artificial intelligence and how to manage them and be accountable.

Read the analysis carried out by Chiomenti Professionals to have an overview on the various measures that should be implemented to mitigate the identified cybersecurity risks arising from AI.