    Chiomenti with the Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation in the project “Catalyst 2030: Social Enterprise Policy" Survey”
    Chiomenti with the Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation in the project “Catalyst 2030: Social Enterprise Policy" Survey”

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Chiomenti with the Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation in the project “Catalyst 2030: Social Enterprise Policy" Survey”

Chiomenti supported, with regard to the Italian law and related practice aspects, the Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation in conducting a survey called “Catalyst 2030: Social Enterprise Policy Survey”, which aims at identifying policies and legal systems that incentivize social enterprise action as well as suggesting additional strategies and programs that might be adopted in the future by governmental entities or political exponents in favor of social enterprises.

Catalyst 2030 is a movement of social entrepreneurs and innovators from various sectors who share the common goal of creating innovative and people-centered approaches for the purpose of achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

This survey led to the drafting of a report to be presented at the World Economic Forum and in various contexts involving social entrepreneurs and political exponents, based on the responses provided by the law firms participating to this initiative.

In particular, with regard to the aspects relating to the Italian jurisdiction, Chiomenti took part in the project involving a multidisciplinary team coordinated by the counsel Monica Curcuruto, as responsible for the pro bono legal assistance provided by the Firm, and further composed of: with reference to the corporate profiles, the partner Filippo Modulo and the associates Edoardo Filippo Di Francesco, Simone Stasio and Flavia Facchinetti; as regards tax matters, the associate Margherita Pittori; and, with regard to the funding section as well as regulatory and governmental aspects, the partners Benedetto La Russa and Giovanni Cristofaro as well as the associate Camilla Culiersi.