Chiomenti updates the Code of Ethics, adopting on a voluntary basis the 231 Model
Chiomenti’s Partners’ Meeting approved the update of the Code of Ethics, that provides for the decision of the Firm to adopt 231 Model on a voluntary basis.
The Partner Meeting clearly confirms values and standards that have always guided the Firm, to guarantee that all assignments are carried out, not only with the utmost professional rigour, but also with integrity and fairness, values that are essential in the performance of professional activities in the Firm.
The Code applies to all Partners, partners of Foreign Offices, Consultants, Of Counsel, Associates and Employees of all the offices – Italian and foreign – of the Firm, as well as any other person that acts in the name or in the interest of the Firm.
Filippo Modulo, Managing Partner of Chiomenti, declared: “With the 231 Model, we have set up - on a voluntary basis - an organisational system inspired by international best practices, geared at preventing the risk of committing offences, through the identification of activities in which there may be an higher risk of commission of offences and relevant rules of conduct which all Professionals must adhere to with the utmost care. Although we are aware that the liability regime currently provided for in the Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 should not apply in principle to professional partnerships, this seemed to us the best decision in line with values and standards of the Firm.”
The complete version of the Code of Ethics is available here