Product safety in practice: preventing and managing risks at a national and European Level – 2 April 2019, Gide Loyrette Nouel, Paris
Product safety in practice: preventing and managing risks at a national and European Level – 2 April 2019, Gide Loyrette Nouel, Paris

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Product safety in practice: preventing and managing risks at a national and European Level – 2 April 2019, Gide Loyrette Nouel, Paris

Chiomenti, Cuatrecasas, Gide and Gleiss Lutz, will be hosting the conference “Product safety in practice: preventing and managing risks at a national and European Level”, that will be held on 2 April 2019 at Gide Loyrette Nouel’s Offices in Paris (15 rue de Laborde).

Chiomenti belongs to the “European Network” which includes three other independent market-leading law firms - Cuatrecasas in Spain and Portugal, Gide Loyrette Nouel in France and Gleiss Lutz in Germany.

The agenda of the conference includes speakers from “European Network” law firms: Dimitri Dimitrov for Gide Loyrette Nouel (France); Eric Wagner from Gleiss Lutz (Germany); Luca Ferrari and Stefano Passeri from Chiomenti (Italy); Juan Antonio Ruiz and Miguel Angel Malo from Cuatrecasas (Spain).

With the participation of Mr. Pierre Chambu, Head of the Division in charge of consumers protection and markets regulation at the DGCCRF (Ministry of Economy), the conference will focus these issues: Prevention and management of risks related to product safety is essential for European companies. How to manage an alert situation in several European jurisdictions? What preventive measures to put in place? How to cooperate with European surveillance authorities? How to anticipate claims for damages and class actions from consumers?