IMN 3rd Annual Investors'Conference on Italian & European NPLs – 15 November 2018, Milan
IMN 3rd Annual Investors'Conference on Italian & European NPLs – 15 November 2018, Milan

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IMN 3rd Annual Investors'Conference on Italian & European NPLs – 15 November 2018, Milan

Chiomenti co-hosts IMN’s 3rd Annual Investors’ Conference on Italian & European NPLs that will be held on 15 November 2018 at Hotel Principe di Savoia, Milan.
Partner Gregorio Consoli, Head of the Banking and Finance department, will moderate the panel "The Narrative of Italy’s Banking Sector".
The panel will focus the following issues: Impact of macroeconomic factors on the NPL market; Sustainability of current NPLS trends, Instrument for the reduction of the NPLS.
The panel will be joined by Giovanni Sabatini, Chairman of the Executive Committee, European Banking Federation; Paolo Petrignani, Managing Director, Board Member of Quaestio Capital SGR S.p.A.; Alessandro Gatto, Managing Director, JP Morgan; Edoardo Ginevra, Head of NPLs, Banco BPM and Flavio Gianetti, Executive Director, Head of Investment Management and Special Transactions Department, Intesa Sanpaolo.
Partner Antonio Tavella, Head of the Restructuring business unit, will moderate the session "Case study: the rise of the UTP"; Partner Giulia Battaglia will be speaking at the panel "The action plan on banking and legal reforms".
The annual conference promoted by Information Management Network (IMN) aims to address the latest updates in the non-performing loan market and will bring together leading representatives from major banks, private funds, law firms, rating agencies, service providers and more to discuss the industry’s pressing topics.
See here for further info