Foreign Direct Investment Screening – Rome, May 10th 2019
On May 10th, 2019 Chiomenti will host the conference “Foreign Direct Investment Screening” at Roma Tre University (Department of Law).
The conference will start at 9.00 with a welcome greeting by Salvatore Serges (Roma Tre University, Department of Law, Director) followed by Giulio Napolitano (Roma Tre University), introducing the first session focused on “The Global Rush Towards National Screening Systems on Direct Foreign Investments”.
The session, with Paolo Benvenuti (Roma Tre University) as Chair, will begin with a lecture by Christopher Mann (Sullivan and Cromwell, Partner), followed by the participation of Stefania Bariatti (University of Milan), Maria Adele Carrai (Harvard University, Asian Law Center) and Luigi Fumagalli (University of Milan) as Discussants.
The second session on “The screening on Direct Foreign Investments in Europe”, chaired by Paolo Benvenuti, will begin with a lecture by Carlo Pettinato (European Commission, Investment, Head of Unit, DG Trade) and will be attended by Giovanni Pitruzzella (Court of Justice of the European Union, Advocate general), Thomas Perroud (University of Paris II) and Jacob Von Andrae (Gleiss Lutz, Germany) as Discussants.
After lunch, a new session will be held on “Golden Power discipline in Italy: evolutionary lines and practical application”, chaired by Giancarlo Montedoro (State Council, President of Chamber); the session will begin with a lecture by Marco D’Alberti (Sapienza - University of Rome) and will be attended by Filippo Annunziata (Bocconi University), Marcello Clarich (Sapienza - University of Rome), Roberto Garofoli (State Council, President of Chamber) and Andrea Zoppini (Roma Tre University) as Discussants.
The last session of the conference will focus on “Compliance tools and protection measures of foreign investors in Italy and Italian investors abroad” and will be chaired by Giancarlo Montedoro; the session will start with a lecture by Andrea Guaccero (Roma Tre University) and will be attended by Giacomo Aiello (State’s Attorney), Filippo Modulo (Chiomenti, Partner), Giacomo Rojas Elgueta (Roma Tre University) as Discussants. Final remarks will be held by Roberto Chieppa (Secretary General of Presidency of the Council).