Chiomenti joins the Digital Financecommunity Week, 16-20 November 2020
Chiomenti joins and supports the Digital Financecommunity Week (16-20 November 2020), the global annual event for the finance community.
Within the Event, the Firm promotes on 17 November 2020 (9.30-12.30 CET) a Digital Conference on “The NPE in the post Covid era. Can we find a way out of the dilemma between cessions and write-downs?”.
The first panel starting at 9.30 CET is focused on “The NPE in the post Covid era”, with the participation of our Partner Gregorio Consoli, Edoardo Ginevra (CFO Banco BPM), Fabrizio Pagani (Global Head of Economics and Capital Market Strategy Muzinich & Co.) and Riccardo Serrini (CEO Prelios Group), as speakers.
The following panel focused on “Innovation and technologies in performing and non performing credit” (11.00 CET) will be attended by our Partner Alessandro Portolano and Gabriella Breno (CEO Prelios Innovation), Antonio Lafiosca (COO, Ignazio Rocco di Torrepadula (Founder & CEO Credimi), Matteo Tarroni (Co-founder & CEO Workinvoice), as speakers.
The Digital Financecommunity Week gathers the largest financial institutions, banks, private equity funds, large investors and players in the distressed sector during five days of conferences and roundtables.
Watch the video report on the first conference (16 November 2020) here and the video report on the second conference (17 November 2020) here